久保田 kubota


The Kubota brand of sake was created in 1985. Although still a young brand, it has grown to be well known even among non-sake drinkers. The sake is produced at the Asahi Shuzo brewery in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. Asahi Shuzo was founded in 1830 under the trade name “Kubotaya. Kubota” bears this store name.

While the conventional wisdom was that sake should be sweet and rich in flavor, Asahi Shuzo was convinced that “from now on, people will demand light, dry sake that they never get tired of drinking,” and launched “Kubota. The sharp, sharp taste and the fact that one never got tired of drinking it were a shock, and changed the conventional image of sake 180 degrees.

Kubota’s policy is that the quality of Kubota cannot exceed the quality of its ingredients. The rice and water are also highly prized. “Gohyakumangoku,” the best sake rice for producing a light, dry taste, is mostly grown by contract farmers in the region and used under strict quality control. The water used for brewing is the purest soft water in Niigata Prefecture, and is the source of Kubota’s flavor.

The most important factor in sake brewing is the “people. The Echigo area where Asahi Shuzo is located is the birthplace of the Echigo Toji, one of the three great toji clans in Japan and known as one of the “four great Echigo toji clans. Inheriting the wisdom and skills of the Echigo Toji, we pursue quality-oriented sake brewing based on the spirit of the Echigo Toji.

萬壽と千寿  Manju and Senju

Kubota’s Manju and Senju sake belong to the same lineup, but are very different in taste and production. Manju is a junmai daiginjo-shu, made from rice polished to 33%. Senju, on the other hand, is a ginjo-shu with 55% polished rice. Manju is characterized by its deep flavor, which is created by enhancing the precision of koji making to produce a fuller, softer flavor. Senju, on the other hand, has a clean and clear flavor, which is made more refreshing by the addition of brewing alcohol. Each flavor has opposite characteristics and can be selected according to food pairing and taste.

久保田を造っているのは 朝日酒造 Asahi Sake Brewery さんです https://www.asahi-shuzo.co.jp/







萬壽と千寿  Manju and Senju


久保田 kubota
久保田 kubota
日本酒トラベラー Sake traveler
While traveling around Japan for work, he also enjoys tasting delicious sake.
My motto is "Life is travel, books, and sake.
There are still many sake products in Japan that are unknown to the rest of the world. We will introduce you to the goodness of local products that can only be found there.