秋鹿 千秋 純米酒 Akishika


こんにちは、日本酒ブロガーのメカ丸です。今回は、大阪の能勢町にある秋鹿酒造が製造する日本酒銘柄「秋鹿」の「千秋 純米酒」をご紹介します。

Hello, I am Mekamaru, a sake blogger. This time, we would like to introduce “Senju Junmai-shu”, a brand of Japanese sake produced by the Akishika Sake Brewery located in the town of Nose, Osaka.

秋鹿酒造は1886年に創業した老舗の蔵元で、自社畑で無農薬の山田錦を栽培し、米と麹と水だけで造られる純米酒のみを造っています。秋鹿の酒造りは土造りから始まり、冬は酒造り、夏は米作りと一貫造りを行うドメーヌ型の蔵元です 。

Akishika Brewery is a long-established brewery founded in 1886. It grows pesticide-free Yamada-Nishiki in its own fields and produces only pure rice sake made from rice, koji, and water. Akishika is a domaine-type brewery that begins with soil preparation, then continues with sake production in the winter and rice production in the summer.

千秋 純米酒は、秋鹿の中でも特に人気の高い商品で、精米歩合は75%とやや高めですが、それが逆に旨みとコクを引き出しています。色は淡い黄金色で、香りはほのかに吟醸香が感じられます。味わいはまろやかでやや甘口ですが、後味はキレが良くてさっぱりとしています。

Senju Junmai Sake is one of Akishika’s most popular products, with a slightly higher rice polishing ratio of 75%, but this in turn brings out its umami and richness. The color is a pale gold, and the aroma has a subtle ginjo aroma. The taste is mild and slightly sweet, but the aftertaste is crisp and refreshing.

米の旨みと水の清らかさが感じられるバランスの良いお酒です。 原料米は山田錦で、水は能勢町の伏流水を使用しています。能勢町は大阪府最北端に位置し、北摂連山に囲まれた自然豊かな地域です。厳しい冬の寒気が酒質を磨き上げています。

It is a well-balanced sake with the flavor of rice and the purity of water. The rice used for this sake is Yamadanishiki, and the water is from the Nose-machi subsoil. Nose-machi is located in the northernmost part of Osaka Prefecture and is surrounded by the Hokusetsu Mountain Range, an area rich in nature. The harsh winter cold air refines the quality of the sake.


味わい Taste

千秋 純米酒は冷やでもぬる燗でも美味しく飲めますが、私は個人的には常温かぬる燗がおすすめです。温度が上がると旨みが増してより深みのある味わいになります。食事と合わせるなら、和食や洋食など幅広く合いますが、特に白身魚や豆腐などあっさりしたものや、チーズやナッツなどコクのあるものが良く合います。

Senju Junmai Sake can be served cold or lukewarm, but I personally recommend room temperature or lukewarm. The higher the temperature, the more umami it becomes and the deeper the flavor becomes. It goes well with a wide range of foods, including Japanese and Western cuisine, but it is especially good with light foods such as white fish and tofu, and full-bodied foods such as cheese and nuts.

商品 Product

千秋 純米酒は720mlで1,870円(税込)、1800mlで3,410円(税込)で販売されています。大阪府内の酒屋さんやオンラインショップで購入できます。秋鹿酒造では他にも様々な種類の日本酒を造っているので、ぜひ試してみてください。

Senju Junmai Sake is available for 1,870 yen (tax included) for 720 ml and 3,410 yen (tax included) for 1,800 ml. It is available at liquor stores in Osaka Prefecture and online. Akishika Sake Brewery also makes a variety of other types of sake.


The above was sent to you by Mekamaru. Please look forward to the next issue!



Osaka’s locally brewed sake sake is such a rare drink!



It’s so nice that you make sake with such a particular taste ♡♡♡♡.

白川郷 純米にごり酒 Shirakawagou Junmainigorishu
白川郷 純米にごり酒 Shirakawagou Junmainigorishu
日本酒トラベラー Sake traveler
While traveling around Japan for work, he also enjoys tasting delicious sake.
My motto is "Life is travel, books, and sake.
There are still many sake products in Japan that are unknown to the rest of the world. We will introduce you to the goodness of local products that can only be found there.