日本酒 JapaneseSake

笹の川 Sasano-gawa





Sake “Sasanokawa” is a sake with a soft, floral aroma on the palate, produced by the Sasanokawa Sake Brewery, a Yamagata Prefecture sake brewer.

First, one of Sasanokawa’s unique characteristics is its attention to rice selection. Sasanogawa Brewery uses only the best rice, mainly from Yamagata Prefecture, and other carefully selected varieties. The brewery is also particular about its yeast, using a yeast developed in-house to create a unique flavor. Sasanokawa is popular as a sake that is soft on the palate and easy to drink. It is also characterized by its rich aroma and fruity taste. For this reason, it is also favored by women. It can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including cold, room temperature, and warmed. As a snack, we recommend Kiritanpo, a local dish of Yamagata Prefecture, or dishes using ingredients from the three mountains of Dewa.

Finally, Sasanogawa is one of the breweries that offers sake brewery tours. If you have a chance to travel to Yamagata Prefecture, why not visit? You can enjoy the taste of Sasanogawa while feeling the atmosphere of the brewery.

笹の川酒造HP Sasanogawa Sake Brewery HP https://www.sasanokawa.co.jp/



The Sasanogawa we had this time was “Ginjo”. You could enjoy the ginjo aroma produced by the original yeast “Kirameki”!



It tasted gorgeous, easy to drink for the ladies.

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笹の川酒造 Sasanogawa Brewery


Sasanogawa Brewery is a Japanese sake brewer founded in 1765. Throughout its long history, the company has faced many challenges and continues to brew sake that is still loved by the local people today. Sasanokawa Brewery is located in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, and uses rice and water from the area to brew its sake. The name Sasanokawa comes from a type of sake that was called sake in ancient times.


In sake brewing, Sasanokawa Brewery places great importance on harmony with nature, brewing sake with a gentle flavor by harnessing the power of nature, such as the north wind and spring breeze. For more than 10 generations, from the first generation, Asanojo Soyu, to the present representative, Sasanokawa Brewery has consistently emphasized the idea that gentle, harmonious sake is created by overcoming harsh seasons. And this idea is not merely adhered to, but is manifested in their attitude of cherishing the natural time of each day and brewing sake in harmony with nature.

「風の酒蔵」、笹の川をあらわすとき、この言葉が思い浮かびます。風とともに生まれ風とともに生きる蔵元であると…。みちのくの酒蔵として「笹の川」は、比較的穏やかな自然環境に置かれています。そして、この風土ならではの仕込み方に、「風の酒蔵」の由来があります。磐梯山の影響を受ける環境は、笹の川の酒造りに大きな影響を与えています。磐梯山から猪苗代湖を渡って郡山盆地にとどく頃、その乾燥した寒風が、笹の川の酒造りに欠かせないものになるのです。 さらに、酒は郷土であることを大切に考えています。福島県産のお米にこだわり、つくりや仕上げを熟考することにより、様々なお米の味わいを発見していただけるよう努めています。

When I think of “Kaze no Sake Brewery” or “Sasanokawa”, this phrase comes to mind. We were born with the wind, and we live with the wind. As a Michinoku sake brewery, Sasanokawa is located in a relatively calm natural environment. The brewing method unique to this climate is the origin of the name “Kaze no Sake Brewery. The environment influenced by Mt. Bandai has a great impact on the brewing of Sasanokawa’s sake. The dry, cold winds that blow from Bandai across Lake Inawashiro to the Koriyama Basin are essential to Sasanogawa’s sake brewing. Furthermore, we consider it important that our sake is local. We strive to discover the various flavors of rice by using only Fukushima-grown rice and carefully crafting and finishing our sake.

ウイスキー「山桜」 YAMAZAKURA


Sasanokawa Brewery, located in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, has announced that it will strengthen its whisky production and sales using its own malt whisky. The company installed a distillation unit in 2016 and has been moving away from its blended whiskey mainstay, which blends imported base whiskey, to production using its own malt whiskey. As a result, the company’s whiskies have received high acclaim, including the highest award at the World Whisky Awards, a global whisky competition. Currently, the company is developing its mainstay “YAMAZAKURA” brand and the “Azumi” brand using its own malt. The company plans to begin full-scale shipments of its own malt whiskey in early 2023, and has announced that it has received a 150 million yen syndicated loan for working capital. The company plans to increase shipments of “Azumi,” as the value of the original whiskey increases as it ages.

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真澄 masumi
真澄 masumi
日本酒トラベラー Sake traveler
While traveling around Japan for work, he also enjoys tasting delicious sake.
My motto is "Life is travel, books, and sake.
There are still many sake products in Japan that are unknown to the rest of the world. We will introduce you to the goodness of local products that can only be found there.