その他 Others

メカ丸の自己紹介 Self-Introduction





メカ丸のこと Mekamaru’s self-introduction

基本情報 About



I was born and raised in Osaka, but currently live in Tokyo.
I had never left Osaka until college, but the company I worked for was a job that required me to be transferred to various places, and furthermore, I had to travel around the country on business trips. During my busiest times, I was on a business trip every weekend, and gradually I had more and more opportunities to taste sake and cuisine from all over the country. Although I don’t travel as much now as I used to, I started this blog to keep track of the sake I have come to love and the food and travel I share with it.
English was not my favorite subject when I was a student (I am a science student ^^), but I have had opportunities to use it in my work and I am gradually losing my allergy to it. I also write articles in English so that my foreign friends can learn about sake.

お仕事 Works


As I mentioned in the basic information earlier, I am a businessman. My job is to purchase various products from all over Japan (not alcohol) and also to create attractive stores that sell those products. In addition, I am in an environment where I am able to experience many other things such as SNS operation, video production, and business improvement using IT. I am very grateful for that. When I was a child, I wanted to be a ramen shop owner or a cake shop owner, so I guess I have always been a foodie.

好きなこと Favorite


I like various kinds of basic entertainment-related things.

  • 音楽 J-POPとかロック(和洋問わず)、あと最近はHIPHOP、フリースタイルとかが最近のお気に入りですね。…何でも聴きます!あと趣味でバンド組んで時々演奏しています!
  • アニメ・漫画 ダンまち、ヒロアカ、ブルーロック、ブルージャイアント、鬼滅、ブルージャイアント、あとジブリ系とか全般好きです!
  • スポーツ サッカー、野球、バスケが好きですね。主に観戦ですけどね。あとeスポーツも!
  • Music J-POP, Rock (both Japanese and Western), and recently HipHop and Freestyle are my favorites. …I listen to everything! I also play in a band from time to time as a hobby!
  • Anime/Manga I like Danmachi, Hiroaca, Blue Rock, Blue Giant, Onimete, Blue Giant, and all things Ghibli related!
  • Sports I like soccer, baseball, and basketball. I mainly watch the games. I also like e-sports!






I want to keep a record of myself! That was the first thing I wanted to do. I forget things quite easily, so I am not able to properly tell people things like, “XX sake from XX was delicious. I started making them because I traveled to many places, and I thought it would be a waste of the experience.
 I also wanted to study computer-related subjects, and I was thinking about it a lot, but I thought that doing it myself would be the fastest way to learn.
I will continue to work at a leisurely pace, but I look forward to your continued support.


日本酒トラベラー Sake traveler
While traveling around Japan for work, he also enjoys tasting delicious sake.
My motto is "Life is travel, books, and sake.
There are still many sake products in Japan that are unknown to the rest of the world. We will introduce you to the goodness of local products that can only be found there.